Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Narrative text

Narrative text
Ngomongin tentang narrative text pasti ingat ma yang namanya dongeng, cerita binatang atau apa yang sering nenek atau mamah dongengin buat kita sebelum tidur waktu kecil dulu. mau lagi ah jadi anak kecil, biar didongengin terus. Weeit jangan ditiru ya yang tadi karena itu ga bakalan terjadi lagi. Lebih baik kita telusuri tentang text yang satu ini.

Narrative text is a text that tells about fairy tales, fables, myths, tall tales, and etc. The purpose of narrative text is to amuse the readers with actual or imaginary experiences in difference ways. Narratives always deal with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.

Generic structures of narrative text:
1. Orientation (it sets the scene end introduces the participants. It answers the questions; who, what, when , where)
2. Complication (a crisis or a problem arises followed by other problems. It usually involves the main characters)
3. Resolution (a solution to the problem for better or worse. Main characters find a way to solve the problem)

Other generic structures of narrative text:
1. Evaluation: (optional) a step back to evaluate the plight (the narrator’s viewpoint)
2. Coda: (optional) changes of the characters or lesson /value of the story
3. Re-orientation: (optional)

Languages features:
• The use of nun phrases
(e.g.: a beautiful princess, a huge temple)
• The use of connectives
(e.g.: first, before, that, then, finally)
• The use of adverbial phrases of time and place
(e.g.: in the garden, two days ago)

• The use of the simple past tense
(e.g.: he walked away form the village)
• The use of action verbs
(e.g.: walk, sleep, and wake up)
• The use of saying verbs
(e.g.: say, tell, ask)
• The use of thinking verbs feeling verbs, verbs of senses
(e.g.: she felt hungry, she thought she was clever, she smelt something burning)
• Adjectives that formed noun phrases
(e.g.: long black hair, two red apples)

Example of narrative text:

The farmer and the beet
Once upon time, a farmer planted a beet. The beet grew and grew.
One day the farmer pulled on the beet, but the beet did not come up. “Horse, please help me pull up this beet. I want to eat it for dinner,” said the farmer. “Sure, I’ll help you,” said the horse. But the beet did not come up.

Then the farmer went to the cow. “Dear cow, please help me pull up this beet. I want to eat it for dinner,” said the farmer. “Sure, I’ll help you,” said the cow. But the beet did not come up. So the farmer went to a goat. “My lovely goat, please help me to pull up this beet. I want eat it for dinner,” said the farmer. “Sure, I’ll help you,” said the goat. But the beet did not come up.
Next the farmer went to the cat. “Oh my dear cat, please help me to pull up this beet. I want to eat it for dinner,” said the farmer. “Sure, I’ll help you,” said the cat. But again the beet did not come up. So the farmer went to the mouse.” Lovely mouse, please help me to pull up this beet,” said the farmer. “Sure, I’ll help you,” said the mouse. So the mouse pulled on the cat. The cat pulled on the goat, and the goat pulled on the cow. The cow pulled on the horse, the horse pulled on the farmer, and farmer pulled on the beet. And the beet came up! “Thank you, horse. Thank you cow. Thank you goat. Thank you cat. And thank you, mouse!” said the farmer. “Now we can all eat dinner.” And they did.

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