Kamis, 02 Desember 2010


Ga cuma kepandaian buat memanage dan tau tentang seluk beluk bisnis, para pengusaha maupun pedagang harus ngerti nih ma yang satu ini yaitu advertisement/iklan. Iklan berguna banget sebagai media promosi mereka untuk menjual/menawarkan dagangan yang dijual.Betul ga? Daripada panjang lebar, liat aja yang dibawah. Hehe

Advertisement is information for persuading and motivating people so that it will attract them to the service and the thing that are offered or informed.
Function of advertisement:
1. Promotion
2. Communication
3. Information

In making an advertisement keep the following points:
1. Language of advertisement
- Using correct or suitable words
- Using the interesting and suggestive expression
- Using positive expression
- Text advertisement should be directed to the goals

2. Content of advertisement
- Objective and honest
- Brief and clear
- Not mocking to group or other product

The placement of advertisement
An advertisement usually placed on:
- A public area
- Newspaper
- Magazine
- Billboard
- Etc.

The kinds of advertisement
1. Commercial advertisement
- Product advertisement (goods or service)
- Job vacancy
2. Covert advertisement

Example of advertisement
Southgate Area
Brand new luxury 1 and 2 bedroom apartments.
At the Heatherdowns and Green Street. Convenient to Southgate Centre. Close the bus route 22.
Rentals from $250 include the following utilities: heat, air, shag carpet, appliances, dishwasher, patio, laundry, room, pool, 1 year lease and security deposit.
One-preschool-aged child considered in 2 bedrooms.
Absolutely no pets.
Model open weekdays 1-6, Sun. 1-5 or by appointment 241-7721. Managed by Sands Corporation.
An equal housing opportunity.

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